Product Taxonomy Automation

Product Taxonomy Best Practices That Will Improve Your Ecommerce

Matt Payne
November 23, 2022

Product taxonomy best practices can greatly impact the success of an ecommerce store. By understanding how to create and implement effective product categorization strategies, businesses can ensure that their products are organized in ways that make them easy for customers to find and purchase. is revolutionizing how companies approach product taxonomy by leveraging powerful artificial intelligence (AI) technology to classify items into appropriate categories automatically. In this blog post, we will explore what product taxonomy is in ecommerce, why it's important, how helps improve your strategy, and ten tips for creating successful ecommerce product taxonomies.

What Is Product Taxonomy In Ecommerce?

Product taxonomy is the structured practice of organizing products into categories and subcategories to improve customer experience, optimize search results, and reflect the brand tone of voice. It allows ecommerce businesses to create a more efficient way to organize their product catalogs.

An effective product taxonomy strategy helps customers quickly find what they are looking for on your website or store. When shoppers can easily navigate your online store, it increases their chances of purchasing from you. A well-structured product taxonomy also makes it easier for search engines like Google to crawl and index your site's content, leading to higher rankings in organic search results.

The key elements that make up a successful product taxonomy include categories and attributes. Both components should be considered when creating a practical product taxonomy strategy for any ecommerce business.

A well-defined product taxonomy is essential for any ecommerce store as it helps to organize products efficiently and logically. With this understanding, consider why a product taxonomy strategy is important.

Why Is A Product Taxonomy Strategy Important?

Product taxonomy is an essential part of any ecommerce store. It helps organize products into meaningful categories and subcategories, making it easier for customers to find what they want. Without a proper product taxonomy strategy, stores can quickly become overwhelmed with too many products or insufficient organization. This can lead to frustrated customers who need help finding the items they need or want.

A well-defined product taxonomy will enable search engines like Google and Bing to crawl your website and accurately display results when someone searches using keywords related to your products. Poorly structured websites will be less likely to appear in search engine rankings, resulting in fewer visitors and lost potential sales opportunities.

An effective product taxonomy strategy allows you to easily track customer behavior across different categories of products on your site so that you can better understand their preferences and make informed decisions about how best to market those items from now on. With this data, you'll be able to create more targeted campaigns that reach the right people at the right time with the right message—ultimately driving more conversions from existing traffic sources and new ones.

How Improves Ecommerce Product Taxonomy offers an innovative solution that takes product taxonomy to the next level with its advanced software platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI). By leveraging AI technology, automatically creates detailed product classifications tailored to each ecommerce store's needs and preferences. 

This eliminates the need to manually sort thousands of products individually, saving time and effort while ensuring accuracy and consistency across all categories in your store or marketplace’s inventory system.

Everything You Need In One Dashboard's dashboard is the perfect solution for ecommerce store owners who want to automate their product categorization process. With its intuitive user interface, you can quickly and easily create full automation pipelines that leverage multiple external tools and data sources.

With custom models and integrations, you even have the capability to build brand-new product taxonomy trees directly inside your dashboard. Each can be saved and used for future projects.

Forget About Manual Labor

The AI technology behind our software is incredibly sophisticated yet easy to use. You can create an accurate product taxonomy tree that fits your needs and preferences with just a few clicks. The AI engine will then scan through all your products and automatically assign them to the appropriate categories based on their attributes, such as size, color, material type, and more. There's no need for manual input from you or your team members.

In addition to reducing manual labor by up to 90%, Pumice's AI-powered solution also enhances the overall product discovery experience for customers by helping them quickly find what they're looking for without having to sift through endless pages of irrelevant items first. 

Easily Automate Product Categorization

Pumice’s AI can be used on small and large amounts of data, making it perfect for new websites or long-standing ones. Automating product categorization with saves time that would have otherwise been spent manually organizing your products into categories. It also enhances the customer experience by making finding what they are looking for easier in less time.

Not only does Pumice make automating product categorization easy, but it also helps you compare products based on categorical similarity in seconds. This makes finding similar items faster than ever, allowing customers more options when searching your inventory. Additionally, this feature helps you track which items belong together so that they can be grouped accordingly within the same category or subcategory if needed.

Enhances Product Discovery Experience

Product discovery is an integral part of the ecommerce experience. It’s what helps customers find the products they need and want while also helping them discover new items that may interest them. enhances product discovery by automatically categorizing your products into a taxonomy tree. This makes it easier for customers to navigate your store and quickly locate the items they seek.

The AI-powered platform uses powerful algorithms to analyze each product and its attributes to classify it accurately within the correct category or subcategory on your site. All products are placed logically so customers can quickly move between related items without searching multiple pages or categories for what they need.

Notably, product discovery has become even more embraced, with 18% of shoppers mentioning that “detailed product information and photography including multiple views of the product” is the most important factor in choosing an online retailer (during the holiday season).

Compare Products For Categorical Similarity In Seconds

Categorizing your products manually is time-consuming and tedious. Using's similarity API, you can compare product data accurately and find corresponding product matches. This will automatically categorize your products into a taxonomy tree that makes sense to customers and search engines.

Organizing your product by categorical similarity will allow you to analyze your product structure quicker and assign future products with ease.

Quickly Generate Product Metadata With AI

Product metadata plays a critical role in ecommerce stores and online marketplaces. It helps customers find the right products quickly and accurately while providing valuable insights into customer behavior. But manually creating product metadata can be time-consuming and requires significant effort and resources. Fortunately, AI technology can help automate this task more accurately and efficiently than ever before.

Using its generative AI models, offers a powerful solution for automatically generating product metadata. Its advanced algorithms are designed to extract new fields or generate data from existing information to create accurate product descriptions tailored to your needs. This allows you to save time by eliminating manual labor and focusing on more important tasks like marketing or customer service.

10 Ecommerce Taxonomy Best Practices To Follow

Taxonomy is an important part of any ecommerce store. It helps customers find the products they’re looking for quickly and efficiently while also providing insights into customer behavior that can be used to improve your store’s overall performance. Here are ten best practices you should follow when creating a taxonomy for your ecommerce store:

1. Research The Competition

Before creating a taxonomy, take some time to research how other stores in your industry have structured their product categories and attributes. This will give you an idea of what works well and what doesn’t so you can create a more effective structure for your store/marketplace.

2. Leverage Behavioral Data

Use data from past customer searches and purchases to inform the structure of your taxonomy. For example, if customers often search for “black dress shoes” instead of just “dress shoes,” consider adding a separate category specifically for black dress shoes or even further breaking it down by style or material type (e.g., leather).

3. Understand Your Product Offering

Make sure you understand all the different types of products available in each category before deciding on their structure. It will help ensure everything is appropriately categorized and organized so customers can find exactly what they need with minimal effort.

4. Avoid Over-Categorization

Too many categories can make it difficult for customers to navigate without getting overwhelmed or confused. Try not to go overboard with too many subcategories, as this could lead to frustration rather than convenience.

5. Don't Confuse Categories And Attributes

Categories organize products into broad groups while attributes provide additional information about individual items within those groups. Don't mix them up; this could confuse shoppers trying to locate specific items.

6. Name Your Categories And Attributes Properly

Choose names that accurately describe each category/attribute. It will help customers know exactly where to look when searching for something specific. For example, avoid using generic terms like "accessories," which could mean anything from jewelry pieces to hats.

7. Don't Place a Product in More Than One Category

Placing one product in multiple categories may seem like an easy way out. Still, it makes things harder on shoppers who might see duplicate results due to the item showing twice under different headings. Stick with one primary categorization per item only.

8. Optimize Your Taxonomy For SEO

When creating a product taxonomy, it’s essential to consider how the structure will impact SEO performance. Use keywords in category names and descriptions matching customer searches so that your products appear higher in search results.

9. Adapt Based On Geo-Locations

Different countries or regions may have additional terms for the same product type or use other categorization systems altogether. Consider adapting your product taxonomy based on where customers are located so they can easily find what they need without confusion.

10. Always Test

Don’t just assume that a particular structure will work well—test it first. Try running A/B tests with two versions of the same page to see which performs better in different scenarios and with different customers. Adjust your taxonomy accordingly based on your results and feedback.

Fit Products To Your Taxonomy Tree With Technology

Product taxonomy best practices are essential for any ecommerce store owner who wants to improve their customer experience and increase sales. Using a product taxonomy strategy, you can ensure that your products are organized intuitively, making it easy for customers to find what they need quickly and easily.’s powerful AI technology automatically categorizes products, making tracking and organizing your inventory easier. With our product taxonomy best practices, you can streamline processes and save time while optimizing customer experience simultaneously - all with just a few clicks! Get started today and see how easy it is to make improvements that will immediately impact your bottom line.